New grant to East Africa NCD Alliance

With a grant of 500.000 DKK (app. 75.500 USD) from the Danish International Development Agency’s Civil Society Fund, East Africa NCD Alliance will be able to continue its important work on regional collaboration and information sharing as well as its international advocacy efforts.

The importance of a regional alliance
NCDs are of ever greater importance in the East African region. DNCDA and the Civil Society Fund have through the last decade supported the establishment of NCD alliances in the region and with the foundation of East Africa NCD Alliance (EANCDA) in 2014, these alliances have been able to cooperate and establish relationships across national borders. The forum created when EANCDA was established has brought the opportunity for synergy-creating knowledge-sharing between the alliances which provides the member organizations with a stronger voice internationally.


The project
The newly granted funds will amongst other things be invested in the creation of well-functioning internal and external communication platforms. These platforms will be used to strengthen the relationships and communication internally between the member organizations as well as providing information on NCD for public use. The funds will furthermore be targeted at the establishment of a research forum between East African Universities and research institutes on NCDs.