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Unges alkoholvaner i Danmark 2014

Rapporten kortlægger alkoholvanerne blandt Danmarks unge i alderen 15-25 år.

Rapporten giver en status på unges alkoholvaner før Kræftens Bekæmpelse og TrygFonden startede ’Fuld af liv’- kampagnen i september 2014.

Unges alkoholvaner i Danmark 2014

Alcohol habits of young people in Denmark in 2014

This report examines the alcohol habits of young people in Denmark in 2014. It is based on data from
an online survey carried out among 2,000 young people aged 15-25. The survey was carried out by
the research agency Gallup, and the data is nationally representative in terms of gender, age and
region (east/west). The report has been created by the Danish Cancer Society and TrygFonden’s
alcohol campaign with the Danish title, ”Fuld af liv”.


Summary: Alcohol habits of young people in Denmark in 2014